Thursday, March 28, 2013

Catching Up

Long time.

It's been hitting me that our time in Japan is winding down. We've been here for two years and it feels like a lifetime since Lemoore. Those 20 year old newlyweds feel a long way away! We still love it here and we're fast approaching all the grown-up decisions of careers, babies, homes, etc. etc. etc. etc. So we're trying to enjoy Japan as much as possible before that big headache. Now that the snow is almost melted, we can end our hibernation and get out again. The snow was crazy and I failed again to get good pictures of the piles of snow and ice that gather here. This is the Air Force base with the most snow accumulation in the entire world, after all.

So, updates on life? Jeff and I are still chugging along. We're forever buying a new movie and trying a new recipe so we can cuddle on the couch. Homebodies, through and through. I don't get lost driving around Misawa anymore, but I can guarantee a wrong turn or two with every new drive out of town. I switched jobs last summer and am loving the new one. I also started graduate school in January, so that keeps me busy. I may or may not be avoiding homework right now... No babies over here, although we feel like the last couple we know without kiddos. I swear my Facebook newsfeed is all pregnant bellies and newborn cuties.

Anyways, here's a photo dump to catch you up. I borrowed all of these from Facebook and most probably deserve a story, but this is a start. After I realized it was March and I hadn't taken a photo this year until St. Patrick's Day, I realized I should probably do a better job of documenting my life. We'll see how that one goes!

These are horribly out of order, my apologies.

 Enjoying a friend's aprons after our command Christmas Party, December 2012

Happy birthday to me! October 2012

At the Imperial Palace Gardens while down in Tokyo, September 2012

 Happy St. Patrick's Day, March 2013

 Enjoying a beef and garlic festival, because I am my father's daughter after all. October 2012

 Exploring the Edo-Tokyo Museum in Tokyo, September 2012

 At the Imperial Palace Gardens again, September 2012

 The guys at the command Christmas party, December 2012 (We managed not to get a single picture together....)

 Sumo wrestling! In Tokyo, September 2012

 In the Tokyo Tower, September 2012.
The tower is an exact replica of the Eiffel Tower, only bigger and bright red. Japanese amaze me.

 Edo-Tokyo Museum in Tokyo, September 2012

 Jeff being the Easter bunny for all the kids at a command event last weekend, March 2013

 The girls at the command Christmas party, December 2012

I think this is the only picture I even took of the snow that's been here for a good 5-6 months. Pathetic! At one point the sidewalks were almost as tall as my car, and I never even took my camera outside. Next winter, I swear.


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