I moved out of our house yesterday. It was bittersweet. We're so excited to get to Japan and start that adventure, but this was our first home. It's where we started our marriage together and where we adopted our two cats. It has a lot of good memories for us. We always said that if we could just pick up the house and move it to someplace other than CA, it'd be perfect! Oh well, goodbye first house! I can't say I'll really miss NAS Lemoore though...
Now we're in San Diego while Jeff does some training. We're planning to just relax and recuperate in the hotel in between the craziness of moving out and the craziness of driving cross country then flying overseas.
The 5hour drive down to San Diego was the first big car ride for the cats (we've driven with them for 5-20minute rides but nothing more) and they did pretty well. They were freaked out, but stayed calm and quiet for the most part. I was so thankful that they handled that ride well, since we still have to drive to Illinois!
When we got to the hotel, they were freaked out even more. They ended up burrowing under the covers and cuddling under there in apparent safety. They slept like the dead--apparently the drive was traumatic.
After a day of rest, the cats are getting more courageous and starting to explore every inch of the hotel room. We'll be here for a little over a week, so they better get comfortable. Their favorite spot is the tiny window in the mini-kitchenette.
So for the next few days, we'll be hanging out and getting some much loved rest in a big comfy bed. Jeff's classes are pretty straightforward so he's not too stressed. I've got a few papers and a final to finish up and then I'll be DONE with my Bachelors! The cats are probably hoping never to have to get in the car again, but of course that's not happening. Oh well, we still love them ;)
We'll be on our way to Illinois soon! I'm so excited to be home for the holidays!
Ah! ich endlich das gefunden was ich gesucht habe. Manchmal dauert es so viel Mühe, um auch kleine nützliche Information zu finden.