I figured I'd share one of the more comical moments of the day.
We've had a cord for the Xbox Live running through the hallway and into the office since we moved in. The 25' cord that was long enough in Lemoore didn't quite reach here, so we had it stretched straight across the hallway and office. You can see it in this still of the video tour I posted recently.
I'm a total klutz, so I was always worried I would trip on it. We had cords running all over the place in our last place for the internet and cable, and I tripped in doorways constantly.
Amazingly, I never once tripped on the cord, despite it being in the middle of the hallway, despite me passing it with arms full of laundry or garbage or whatever else, despite my inclination to trip and fall and spill things. Not once.
We finally ordered a longer cord and some clips to nail it into the floor, so I went to work doing that today. It doesn't blend in too well and it doesn't look that great, but we use Xbox Live every day so it's worth it. And at least it was out of the middle of the hallway.
And wouldn't you know it, the first time I cross the cord to bring a basket of clothes to the laundry room, I trip big time and flail frantically to prevent bashing my head into the washing machine. Clothes went flying, the ironing board bashed into my shoulder, and the nicely nailed down cord came flying up.
After months of treacherous loose cord, I nail it down to prevent trippage and nearly kill myself seconds later.
Isn't that funny?
I was just glad I didn't manage to injure myself. I walked away and came back a few hours later to nail it down again. This time I added more nails in hope that I won't do it again.
That's how my day's going today. So I'm calling it quits and pulling a meal out of the freezer and watching a movie on the couch.
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