Wednesday, April 30, 2014


So it begins!

In an effort to make this move as smooth as possible, I'm starting the process now. I'm leaving sometime soon and Jeff will be leaving sometime after me, so the actual packing and moving will be somewhat confusing. Throw in a required move to another apartment before we even leave Misawa and it's a little chaotic over here.

I'm starting the fun process of getting our stuff ready to be packed. Taking things off the walls, cleaning out the stuff we don't use, sorting items into piles, etc. etc. etc. I need to ship some items home for when I go home, Jeff needs some stuff out in the new apartment, and there's some things we can pack up right now and not use until we get home. (Books, mostly!)

It's amazing how much STUFF you can cram into a two bedroom apartment. It's even more amazing to find things we haven't touched since we moved here. I've kept every phone I've had for some reason... and found them neatly piled in a drawer. Why do I have them still?

I'm slightly afraid to find out what else is buried in our apartment...

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