I was sitting watching TV and browsing the web, and it felt like someone was shaking the couch, just a little. I stop to actually pay attention and notice everything else was wiggling too. Our blinds were going crazy and our massive movie collection was shaking all over the place.
Remember these?
I watched in terror as they shook for a few minutes, hoping they wouldn't come crashing on the floor. Those suckers take forever to alphabetize... But even the precariously stacked collection of TV shows on the floor didn't fall!
It was only a couple of minutes long. And as far as I can see nothing fell over. The doors all moved and some of the things on tables slid a little, but not enough to cause any damage.
As soon as it was over, I went over to my neighbor's door. We were just talking about how weird it would be when we had our first earthquake, so I knew she would understand! Well, her husband, who I've never met, answered the door. I dumbly asked if his wife was there, but she walked up behind him and said "Did you feel that earthquake?!"
I thought about calling Jeff ad telling him, but figured he would either laugh at me or say "Uh, Teri, of course I know, I feel it too". He'll probably still laugh at me when he gets home and I explain, but that's okay.
I survived my first Japanese earthquake ;)
Teri, I'm thinking of you... <3