Previous picture posts
21. A picture of something you wish you could forget.
I'm generally in the mindset that things should be remembered regardless, history repeats itself, knowledge is power, yadda yadda.
But if I could, I would happily forget the hell of flying to Misawa. Delays, getting halfway to Japan and having to turn back to Seattle, etc. I'd also lump in the travels to Italy to visit Jeff in 2006, when the airline went on strike and if it weren't for my mother-in-law and her quick work with the telephone, I wouldn't have gotten to Italy period, then my luggage getting lost in Rome for weeks. Although both travel ordeals make good stories now, I wouldn't mind one bit if they had never happened!
22. A picture of something you wish you were better at.
I like working out...when it's over. I am absolutely horrible with consistency. I'll have a good run for a few weeks, then have an off day and have a hell of a time getting back into the routine. I generally despise cardio in any shape or form. I actually like weight training, I just can't motivate myself to remember how good it feels and want to get up and do it.
Sidenote: I never use weight machines because I'm generally too short for them to work properly. And I'm too lazy to downsize the weights after the manly military men finish working their biceps. I use my own free weights at home.
23. A picture of your favorite book.
Seriously, just one? I can't.
I'll show you some of my favorites. I really can't pick just one though.
Good in Bed is one of my favorite "fluff" books. Aka-- a book not assigned in college, a book I generally read to take a break from academic work, and a book I expect very little out of besides a few love trysts and some good ol' life drama. This one is a little above the normal fluff reading, I think. It surprised me. The main character draws you in and makes you love her and sympathize. It's one that I finished and felt the urge to turn back to page one and start all over again. I only feel that way when I really like a book.
Lucy is one of my favorites from college. It's a short novella, so you can knock it out in an afternoon. It's may be short, but it's powerful. I wrote one of my best papers on Lucy's claim of power through her sexuality, and I feel like I could still add more and more to that discussion. It's one I could talk about for hours. It's deep and heart-wrenching and brutally honest, and I don't know if I want to love Lucy or hate her, but she stuck with me.
Black Water is another seemingly short but tremendously powerful read. It follows a doomed character you can't help but sympathize with. It was another one that I wanted to dissect and analyze for hours. The timeline and narration of the story are unique and dramatic, and I really love the way Oates wrote this. Joyce Carol Oates is a powerful writer in all her works. I'm quickly falling in love with her writing, and am working my way through her works. I've read numerous short stories and a couple novels, but this book sticks out to me the most.
Middlemarch is a book I powered through during the crazy hours of a condensed semester while I prepared to move overseas, while reading 6-10 other novels in between and during. To say my memories of this book are a little fuzzy is an understatement. I read it ahead of schedule for class, and would forget large chunks of the plot while the class was discussing what I had read a month ago. It doesn't help that this is a hefty book... with 838 pages in my edition. But it's a classic. And it has some amazingly complex characters. It was interesting discussing a book largely composed of what happens after you say "I Do" in a class mostly filled with single students. My experiences and beliefs about marriage were generally quite different, and have changed from before I said "I Do". My professor joked that she told her children they had to read this book before they got married. Besides that, it was a great read and one I plan to read at a much more leisurely pace sometime soon.
24. A picture of something you wish you could change.
I have flat feet. My heels start to ache if I stand on my feet too long. If I really overdo it, I get shooting pains. I can't run or jump in abundance. I can't wear heels or sandals. I also have old injuries in the balls of my feet from dancing, and my feet are apparently deformed because of one or both of these issues. My pain is relatively controlled after months of anti-inflammatory pills and a cortisone injection to get the inflammation and pain under control, followed by years of figuring out my personal limits. It's a pain.
Since my feet have been flaring up lately and giving me some pain, it's something I really wish I could fix. Unfortunately, pain management is my only solution. If the pain gets to be too much or too prolonged, I'll be back at the podiatrist for more anti-inflammatories or cortisone injections. I'm hoping I can continue to manage my pain without either of these aids for many years...
25. A picture of your day.
I slow-cooked some beef all day long for delicious beef sandwiches for dinner. I also baked some brownies and brought them to our new neighbor. We sat and chatted for a while and got to know each other. I worked on my crocheted afghan, which is a tedious and tiring process of sewing all the pieces together. It's been a pretty uneventful day.
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