Since we've been sick all week, we've been relaxing on the couch every evening and catching up on some season DVD's we have. This week, we had marathons of Bones and Desperate Housewives. Neither of which we're caught up with, but that's okay. That just means we have more to watch!
One day before I was sick, I played with the frames for my intended wall collage in the living room. I didn't get a layout I really liked, and I still haven't figured out what I want to put in all those suckers, but it feels like progress? I was browsing blogs and found This post by Young House Love and drooled all over my laptop. Just imagine the frames in black, and that type of collage is exactly what I've been picturing in my head. So pretty!
I've also been browsing new recipes for when I actually have the energy to cook. Since we've moved here, I've discovered that I really love finding new recipes and trying them out. I'm trying to reach out of my comfort zone of staples like spaghetti and tacos for more interesting (and healthy!) dishes.
Here's a few I'm hoping to try sometime soon:
Pan Fried Garlic Steak and Potatoes
Meatballs & Greens on Ciabatta
Southwest Stuffed Bell Peppers

Yum. Hopefully.
I'm slowly recovering from whatever bug laid me on my ass all week, so hopefully by mid-week I'll be feeling normal again. I'm starting to feel the need to fill up the walls in this apartment, if I ever remember to pick up some supplies for hanging. And now that I've scoped out a ton of recipes and have a folder full of bookmarks, I'm hoping my kitchen will get some more use this week!
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