Wednesday, April 30, 2014


So it begins!

In an effort to make this move as smooth as possible, I'm starting the process now. I'm leaving sometime soon and Jeff will be leaving sometime after me, so the actual packing and moving will be somewhat confusing. Throw in a required move to another apartment before we even leave Misawa and it's a little chaotic over here.

I'm starting the fun process of getting our stuff ready to be packed. Taking things off the walls, cleaning out the stuff we don't use, sorting items into piles, etc. etc. etc. I need to ship some items home for when I go home, Jeff needs some stuff out in the new apartment, and there's some things we can pack up right now and not use until we get home. (Books, mostly!)

It's amazing how much STUFF you can cram into a two bedroom apartment. It's even more amazing to find things we haven't touched since we moved here. I've kept every phone I've had for some reason... and found them neatly piled in a drawer. Why do I have them still?

I'm slightly afraid to find out what else is buried in our apartment...

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Without argument, one of the most well-known pieces of Japan is the beautiful cherry blossoms that cover the country come spring. They may bloom in other countries too, but cherry blossoms will always remind me of our time in Japan.

It's bittersweet to see them blooming now. For someone who's never been into trees or flowers, these little suckers have come to mean a lot to me. After the devastating earthquake and tsunami in 2011, the beginning of spring and the new life these blossoms signified hit me hard. The cyclical nature of well, nature, and the way the Japanese dug right into rebuilding and restarting got wrapped up in the blooming and falling of these little blossoms.

Because they bloom once, and for so quick a time, the blossoms can't help but be associated with the passing of time. They flourish for a week in the end of April or early May, then are overtaken by sprouting green leaves. Since our time has been limited in this country, that passage of time resonated a lot with me.

This is my last year in Japan. It's likely we'll never come back to Misawa or Japan at all. Leaving Lemoore didn't hold this bittersweet transition for me. I didn't ever feel like Lemoore was home. Misawa may be far from friends and family, but we still fell in love with the country, the culture, and everything about Japan. We missed our true home, but made a happy home here.

Seeing the blossoms bloom and knowing my time is ticking just makes me think back to all our experiences in Japan, which is what got me started blogging one yesterday.

Here are my older posts with cherry blossoms - just because they are so damn beautiful.
2011 - With a Cherry on Top
I don't have any pictures from 2012, dang!
2013 - Walk Around Town
2013 - Hirosaki Castle Cherry Blossom Festival

And this one is my favorite picture of the bunch.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Sumo Wrestling

Don't judge, but we took this trip in September 2012 and I'm just now getting around to blogging it. I'm terrible with this habitual blogging thing. But I've been thinking about our travels in Japan a lot as our time winds down, so I wanted to write down the memories before they fade.

As I said, this was in 2012. We signed up for a trip through base that included transportation and hotel and transportation to the sumo tournament, so details were minimal. It was our first trip to Tokyo and we were so excited to get to the big city. I'll have to share the rest of our trip next. 

The sumo tournament was the main event. Wikipedia has a pretty good description of the basics of sumo: 

The arena is round, with the mat in the middle of the stadium. The closest seats were mats on the floor, but our seats were regular stadium seats. There were headphones with English translations available, but we decided to just enjoy the visual. We figured it wouldn't be too hard to guess the winners of each match. 

Each tournament lasts for several days. We just went to one day in the middle of the tournament. Our tour guide excitedly told us which wrestlers were doing well, but those kind of details fly right over my head even in American sports. The postered wrestler on the left is a yokozuna or "grand champion". He has the white belt to signify his status. There are generally only one or two yokozuna active in wrestling at a time, and it's a highly regarded status.

Jeff's favorite fact that the tour guide shared was about pay. Only the top performing wrestlers are paid. I think it was something like the top 10%. If you fall below that rank, or never reach that rank, you are not paid for the tournaments. Their salaries are much more modest than similar athletes in America. I don't trust Wikipedia for exact figures, but the link above says the yokozuna's salary in 2006 was only about $36,000.

The crowd grows as the day goes on. We got there early because we were so curious. These early wrestlers were relatively unimportant, so the audience was scarce. By the time we got to the last round of wrestlers, the place was packed. Our tour guide said most serious sumo fans only show up for the last few rounds because those are the only ones that really matter.

The rituals before beginning a match were so interesting. And lengthy. If needed, someone would smooth the clay of the ring. The judge would sprinkle salt on the ring. The wrestlers would stretch their legs on the outskirts of the ring, then do this seated pose at their corners. 

The would move to the middle to repeat the leg stretches. Some of these hefty males could get their feet higher than I thought possible.

They would then take this pose until the judge signaled that the match could begin. The object of the match is fairly simple - knock our opponent out of the ring or onto the floor. I'm sure there are more rules to this, but we didn't get into the details. 

Something else I found interesting - the judges are ranked just like the wrestlers. Note this judge's outfit in comparison to the one above. Only the most prestigious judges mediate the top wrestlers' matches.

The matches were pretty entertaining. Some of the wrestlers would (painfully, I'm sure) try to lift or throw their opponent by grabbing the belt he wore. Some of the smaller wrestlers would try to dodge or duck and throw their opponents off balance. Jeff and I enjoyed guessing how long the match would take and who would win. Some matches would end in seconds, some would take a minute or two. It's a quick sport.

Each division of wrestlers began with a little procession. It sounded like the announcer named each wrestlers as he entered the ring. They did a little ritual hand clap or something and then exited to wait for their individual matches. 

(Sidenote - can you spot the white wrestler?)

The more prestigious wrestlers had flags - maybe signifying their wins or titles. These were all the flags of either the yokozuna or his opponent, I'm not sure. 

The rituals grew longer as the ranks grew higher. I believe this is the yokozuna, and there was obviously some special ritual to complete here. We might have learned if we had taken the translated headphones, but we enjoyed the matches nonetheless.

We both really enjoyed seeing this sport in person. While it's not something I'd turn on the TV to watch or keep track of the rankings, it is a quick paced and entertaining sport. If tournaments were closer to Misawa, we might have returned for more. I'm glad it was one of the trips we took while we were here. Sumo wrestling is still a huge aspect of Japanese culture and it's entangled in the history of Japan. It's a different experience entirely to see it happening in person. Japanese also play baseball and soccer, but it was fun to see a sport so different from American sports.

Friday, April 18, 2014


I work with toddlers right now. One of the most stressful times of the day: transitions. Toddlers don't like change, don't like having to stop what they're doing to go do something else. It's chaotic and stressful and a simple activity like cleaning up to go play outside can cause meltdowns and panic.

Adults really aren't that different. We don't like change either. We may not throw ourselves down on the floor in a screaming fit, but the chaos of a big change in life can throw us for a loop too.

The transition from military to civilian life is something we've been planning for, waiting for, and looking forward to for years. Somehow, it changed from waiting forever for this time to come to holy cow, it's almost here.

My time in Misawa is winding down. I'm quitting my job next week, so I have some time to do things like frantically pack our things and have wisdom teeth removed (guess which one sounds more fun to me!). I'm mailing clothes home to my parents. I'm slowly preparing for the travel back, the details, the JOB, the apartment, you know - the details. It's exciting and scary and everything in between. The amount of choices we have without military orders astounds me, but it also makes narrowing things down hard. We can live in ANY city we want! We can pick ANY apartment we like! We can pick ANY jobs we can find! But we're leaving the safety net of a steady income and all the benefits. I don't yet feel like throwing myself on the ground in a fit of screaming, but I'll keep you updated ;)

I've lived in Misawa longer than any city since I've left home. It's been a string of two year living locations, but we've passed three years in Japan and we're still here. We moved here in January 2011. I was twenty-three. I could write a book on everything that's happened while I've lived here. From national disasters to personal triumphs, it's been a surprising couple of years.

While I can't wait to get back to the states and everything that entails, saying goodbye to this Japanese life will be hard.


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