Friday, April 18, 2014


I work with toddlers right now. One of the most stressful times of the day: transitions. Toddlers don't like change, don't like having to stop what they're doing to go do something else. It's chaotic and stressful and a simple activity like cleaning up to go play outside can cause meltdowns and panic.

Adults really aren't that different. We don't like change either. We may not throw ourselves down on the floor in a screaming fit, but the chaos of a big change in life can throw us for a loop too.

The transition from military to civilian life is something we've been planning for, waiting for, and looking forward to for years. Somehow, it changed from waiting forever for this time to come to holy cow, it's almost here.

My time in Misawa is winding down. I'm quitting my job next week, so I have some time to do things like frantically pack our things and have wisdom teeth removed (guess which one sounds more fun to me!). I'm mailing clothes home to my parents. I'm slowly preparing for the travel back, the details, the JOB, the apartment, you know - the details. It's exciting and scary and everything in between. The amount of choices we have without military orders astounds me, but it also makes narrowing things down hard. We can live in ANY city we want! We can pick ANY apartment we like! We can pick ANY jobs we can find! But we're leaving the safety net of a steady income and all the benefits. I don't yet feel like throwing myself on the ground in a fit of screaming, but I'll keep you updated ;)

I've lived in Misawa longer than any city since I've left home. It's been a string of two year living locations, but we've passed three years in Japan and we're still here. We moved here in January 2011. I was twenty-three. I could write a book on everything that's happened while I've lived here. From national disasters to personal triumphs, it's been a surprising couple of years.

While I can't wait to get back to the states and everything that entails, saying goodbye to this Japanese life will be hard.

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