Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Fill-In

1. The best thing my parents taught me to do when I was a child was to give it my best. Whether I win or fail or accomplish what I set out to do isn't as important as how I go about doing it. Cutting corners will only get you so far. Being an honest, reliable and responsible person will get you where you want to be.

2. However, one thing I wish they did differently was push me to step out of my comfort zone a little more. I'm an incredibly shy person, and I was worse as a child. They allowed me to be shy and let me deal with each situation as I was comfortable, offering support and encouragement regardless. Really, I think they did a good balancing act between pushing me and letting me find my comfort zone, but it's always easier to blame the parents than my own reluctance to try new things! I don't have many complaints about my childhood; I think they did the absolute best they could with what they had and I think both me and my brother have turned out pretty damn well.

3. One thing I’ve always wanted to try but haven’t is riding in a hot air balloon! It's one of those things I think would be so amazing. Jeff, on the other hand, disagrees. He wants me to skydive instead. Um...dream on.

4. One thing I never thought I’d try but I have is to live overseas. I always pictured myself setting somewhere around Chicago in a different suburb than the one I grew up in, but not going far. Instead I moved to the west coast, then went to the far east. Who would've thought? Certainly not me. It's been an incredible experience so far though, and I can't wait to see what the next years have in store for me.

5. If I could give my 16-year-old self one piece of advice I’d tell myself give that weird guy that does set construction for drama a chance? Haha, that'd be my husband. We flirted for months before we ever got close to "dating", and that was mostly me putting it off. We both used to joke that I needed to not be so stubborn and we could've gotten another 6 months before he left for the Navy. Oh, and definitely STOP DANCING when you have injuries. Jeez, I thought those performances were everything, and they were important, but so are my feet. I'll be paying for that stubbornness with decades of foot pain. Ouch.

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