Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mil-Spouse Friday Fill-In

I'm a sucker for surveys, so Wife of a Sailor's Friday Fill-In's are right up my alley.

1. Since most of the country has had nasty weather, what has your weather been like this week?
I'm not IN the country ;)
It's actually been pretty nice here in northern Japan. Since we've gotten here, it's been snow and 20's all day every day. The past few days have hit 40 and it's been clear and sunny! It's back to snow again tomorrow, and I don't really mind.

2. What is/are your best money saving tip(s)?
I'm no expert at saving money tips. One thing I try to keep up is meal plans. If not, we both give up and go out to eat. Which is bad for our wallets and waistlines.

3. What was your favorite vehicle you’ve ever owned??
Our 2008 Dodge Avenger. My husband bought it brand new and it's gorgeous, with leather seats and a beautiful dark blue paint color. It's reliable and easy to drive in. I drove it cross country twice with no problems. It's sitting at my parents' house waiting for us to return to the states, where we'll happily start driving it again.

4. What is a question you’d like to see asked in a future fill-in?
Hmm, I haven't done too many of these, so I'm not even sure what's been asked!

5. Fill in the blank: You might be a MilSpouse if….
The first questions you ask new people include "where did you come from?" "where are you originally from?" and "how long have you been in?". There was recently a fire alarm in our building, and all of us wives waiting outside spent our time sharing stories of where we've been and where we're from. I think it's even more noticeable overseas, although it happened a lot in the states too.

Not much going on around here this weekend. We watched The Town and re-watched Red tonight, complete with ice cream and cuddling up with a blanket. I think Red is my favorite movie we saw in theaters in 2010. It's action and comedy and romance and all of these experienced and hugely talented actors like Bruce Willis and John Malkovich. You should watch it!

This weekend we're planning on sleeping in and gearing up for the Superbowl! It's on Monday morning here in Japan, and we're meeting up with a group at the local bar to cheer on the Steelers. Have a fun weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are having nice weather :)

    Hope you have a fun weekend!!!



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