Sunday, May 6, 2012


Let's talk about cleaning.

I have a love/hate relationship with cleaning. I hate clutter and need it to be gone immediately, but the every day process of cleaning up and keeping it away eludes me. It's a vicious cycle of piling and stacking all week, then cleaning it all up over the weekend and saying never again. Repeat a couple thousand times.

I have a weird quirk to add to this. I do not like cleaning with my husband in the house. He needs to be gone. The only explanation I can come up with is that back in Lemoore I always cleaned on my off days from school while he was at work and got into that groove. I continued it here when he worked and I stayed at home. Now we work similar schedules and are home pretty regularly at the same time. I cannot find a good time to clean anymore!

I love organizing and finding a place for each and every thing.
I despise doing the dishes, even with a dishwasher. I loathe folding laundry. If I ever paid for a mamasan here, it'd be solely to fold my laundry. I don't mind washing and drying, but folding?! Ugh. It'll sit for weeks.

Some people are lucky enough to have complementary cleaning habits. What one person hates, the other person loves. Guess what Jeff loathes as much as I do? Folding. Seriously, there should be a washer, dryer, and folder. Invent one, somebody.

I'd like to be a clean freak that always has a clean and organized house, but there's not enough hours in the day for that. So I do what I can and I try not to stress the rest.

Oh, and you have to try this cleaning product. I read about it on some other blogs and decided to give it a try.

I wanted something not so chemical-smelling. I love it. You dilute it with water, so the solution lasts much longer. Let me tell you, I had some gross cooked on food stuck in the microwave for months. Thirty seconds of scrubbing with this and it came right off. I scrubbed head to toe and everything smelled like lemon. I don't know about you, but I love lemon. I'm so happy I tried this, it almost makes me want to clean more often.

Now I need to get back to the piles of laundry I need to fold. It's another vicious cycle. Anyone a folding lover? I'll trade for some vaccuming or organizing any day.

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