Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day Zero Project Update

Since I've slacked on blogging, it shouldn't be a surprise that I've also slacked on documenting any progress in this project. To be honest, I forgot about it. Life gets busy with changes and you forget about that little list somewhere on the internet from two years ago.

So I have very little to share. But without intending to, I've been able to cross off a few more items on the list.

6.       Watch fifteen Jeff-recommended movies (15/15)

 I don't even know what movies they were, but I've been trying to reach out of my comfort zone. I know we watched the Purge and Jeff thought it was hilarious to watch me jump at every turn!

11.   Spend the day in bed

A few days this summer were so hot. And our base finally allowed us room air conditioners, but only one. We camped out in the bedroom for a few weeks while the temperatures raged. Not super romantic, but so much better than sweating.

13.   Climb Mount Fuji  

I'm still not sure how the hell I survived, but I did it! Foot injury and all. I'll have to do a much delayed post before I forget all the details.

20.   Go paintballing

(That's Jeff - he's much better at this game!)
 It was a lot of fun until I got hit in the neck...twice.  I'm going to try again!

25.   Go to an onsen

Verdict: I'm still not a bath person.

30.   Ride the bullet train to Tokyo

We went down to Tokyo in September to meet Sean, my brother! Not as exciting as it sounds, but WAY faster than traveling by bus.

53. Finish a graduate certificate.

Yay, I'm done! I took a terrible class this past semester that killed all motivation, so for now I'm grateful to be done. Maybe in a few years I'll be ready for more knowledge.

80.   Make pot roast

I don't know why it took me so long to try, but I made some pot roast for Jeff's birthday. It was delicious.

89.   Buy a sewing machine

Jeff bought me one for Christmas!

93.   Get a massage

 I received a gift certificate and splurged on a couples massage, then got another massage after climbing Fuji. I'm in love. I'm planning to schedule another one soon because this working with toddlers thing is wrecking havoc on my lower back.

98.   Buy a dress and wear it

This is a pretty adequate portrayal of the event. I coerced Jeff to attend a Navy ball. I bought not one but two dresses (the woes of online shopping!) and thoroughly enjoyed the night. Jeff was uncomfortable in his dress blues despite how handsome they are.

As far as this list goes, I'm not concerned with crossing off every item before time runs out. Some will simply not happen due to timing. I didn't know we'd extend our stay in Japan and then separate from the military when I wrote this list. So I'll try to continue living my life and crossing off things that happen. Maybe I'll start making shorter, more condensed lists that are easier to complete.

For example, Jeff and I plan to make a food list for when we return to Chicago, crossing off each restaurant as we go. Pizza, gyros, hot dogs, oh my!

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