Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What I've Been Reading

I have a Kindle gift card burning a hole in my pocket and no idea what books to read first! It seems Amazon has become overwhelmed with cheesy Fifty Shades of Gray copycats. If the original wasn't good, don't try to recreate the bad!

First, here's what I've been reading over the past few months. Graduate school was really busy this past semester so reading took a backseat.

I finally finished the George R.R. Martin series! Book four dragged so badly and it took forever to finish, book five was much more interesting. This is a Jeff-recommended series (I'm not a big fantasy reader) and I was surprised by how much I love it. There's a million layers of conflicts and focuses and it's so much fun to discuss. Yes, Jeff and I sit around and argue about fictional characters.

How can you not love Nora Roberts? While I liked the Irish setting, this one didn't stick with me as much as some of her older trilogies. I feel like at this point she's just cranking out as many novels as she can to make money. Her Bride quartet is my favorite, by the way.

I avoided this trilogy for years because everyone who recommended it was also a Twilight fan, putting it in the same category as utter garbage. Curiosity finally got the best of me and I downloaded the trilogy. While I found the plot twists kind of predictable and Katniss underwhelming, it was a quick and fun read. Haymitch is my favorite character, if you're curious. I also convinced Jeff to read this series and he's in Book 2, so we're having more fictional character discussions.

Here's some of the books on my wishlist. Trying to pick what to read next is always so difficult! I'm not including a description because you can easily find these books on Amazon.

It should be no surprise that I have a soft spot for stories set in Asia. Plus, running a soy sauce company sounds interesting.

I love dark and twisted families in books. Your problems pale in comparison to a father being shot and murdered.

I must have read too much love fluff and fantasy because all my books are in the dark and twisted kind of realm right now.

Sherlock got me hooked on mystery. (P.S. Please tell BBC to hurry up with Sherlock. It's ah-mazing!)

More dark and twisted. I think I need a happy cupcake or something.

What have you been reading lately?

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