Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Covering All the Bases---We're Okay!

I've been overwhelmed with love and thoughts from all directions since the natural disasters Japan has experienced this past weekend.

I've posted on Facebook and Women of Liberty, but just to make sure all bases are covered, here we are.

Jeff and I are both okay! Misawa Air Base has relatively minor damage from the earthquake, and is working to restore all power and sense of normalcy back to the base.

I'll update in more detail soon! Our power is on again, but base has warned that brown outs and short outages may continue. Our internet was restored today and has already cut out once, so I'm assuming the same will continue for most technology. I'll share our experience soon, but we've had next to nothing compared to some of the more severely effected areas like Sendai. So please, put all your energy and prayers towards those poor families who are still struggling to uncover the dead and missing. Up here we're only worried on turning on lights and stocking foods.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you are ok! I have some good friends up there and we were all so worried. Finally one of them was able to text me- thank God for technology! I am glad to see you posting again so we all know you made it through and everything.
    Please take care and stay safe.



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