Monday, March 28, 2011

Working Out With Music

When I go to the gym, I need my iPod. I can't workout without music. Sometimes, Jeff will leave his iPod behind and just go. He seems to sweat and push just as much, but that just wouldn't work for me. I need music to help distract me from how hard I'm working and to push me to go just a little further. If I don't have that distraction, all I focus on is how tired I am, how much this sucks, how much I'd rather be doing something else, etc. etc. etc.

Since it takes a lot for me to stick to simply stepping foot in a gym, much less do dreaded cardio, anything that motivates me is needed.

I have a simple little iPod that plays music, and that's all I really need. My brother had given me an iPod Touch last year when he upgraded to an iPhone, and I would play with all the apps and nonsense on that for hours. But since I didn't really need any of that, I passed it on to my husband. He loves it. I got his older model iPod nano in return. I'll listen to just about any kind of music. I have everything from country to rap to musicals on my Itunes and I listen to all of it.

But when it comes to working out, there's just something about heavy rock music that keeps you going. The heavy drums, the heavy voices; I don't know but it always pushes me to go further or longer than I would to begin with. I always have a playlist full of Slipknot, Three Days Grace, and Breaking Benjamin ready to go when I need to get some cardio out of the way.

Of course, that's IF I go to the gym! I'm having a rough time getting back into working out after being sick for a week or two. I downloaded some new music and updated some playlists so I have some new things to listen to, I just have to convince myself to get out of the house and GO. Easier said than done, right?

Just because, here's some videos. I bet 30 minutes of this music will keep you going on that treadmill or bike.

(Marilyn Manson - Beautiful People)
This video is just the lyrics, because he's a little too freaky for me, but his music without video is great...

(Three Days Grace - Bitter Taste)

So, do you need music to work out? Or are you just fine with the quiet while working up a sweat? Are you one of those weird people who loves cardio and doesn't need any extra motivation to get moving?

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