Friday, June 24, 2011

Mil-Spouse Friday Fill-In

I haven't done one of these in a while!

1. Are you a different person than you were five years ago?

I was 18 five years ago, so yes. I was fresh out of high school and ready to go to college, my husbandboyfriend was in Italy, I was preoccupied with worrying about who my roommate would be and what she'd be like (Answer, boring, shy, and way too small town for a semi-medium city like Aurora. I was much happier with my second roommate). I've learned a lot in the last five years. Besides the obvious attaining of a degree, I've traveled and met a lot of people that have opened my eyes to new things.

2. If you could go on Amazing Race, who would you take with you as your partner and why?

My husband and I have actually talked about this. We could never do anything like that together, because we'd fight too much. We're both stubborn and have our specific ways of doing things, and we just don't work well under pressure together. I could probably do it with my brother, though. He's pretty laidback and has lived with me so long that he doesn't usually get annoyed by my annoying personality traits...

3. Does Facebook or Twitter actually bring more stress or good in to your life?

I don't use Twitter, and I don't go on FB too much. I do admit to the occasional stalk fest, because I enjoy seeing what people publish about their lives. I'm nosy and like to know everything, which means I may look up old friends from junior high or high school or friends of friends or what have you. But I only do that once every couple of months. For the most part, it's a great way to stay in touch with everyone back in the states. It's my main form of communication with most people, except our parents who both have Vonage World and get free calls to Japan ;)

4. June is National Soul Food Month- what’s your soul food?

It's gotta be garlic dip. It's a family tradition and I've grown up having it at every family get together and celebration. So now, it's synonymous with laughter, family, tradition, holidays, and just a good feeling. If I'm having a rough week or celebrating a holiday away from family, it's something that's guaranteed to make me smile. I've also built up my husband's love of garlic, because a love for garlic is a requirement to be part of my family.

5. If you could live in any other era than the current, which one would it be & why?

I always say the 1920's without a really good reason. I'd love to go back to every era and see the good and bad of it. It's why I love literature, it's a way into that piece of history or present. It's also why I love cultural studies and history, and my husband and I have talked for hours and will no doubt continue to do so about certain cultures and time periods we both love. It's a fun past time. So my answer is..every single one? I'm a horrible decision maker and I want to see and learn everything...

Hope your weekend is relaxing! It's rainy and overcast here, so I'm thinking watching some movies and snuggling on the couch sound like the perfect solution.

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