Friday, June 3, 2011

I've Been Absent

I've kind of abandoned my blog recently. Between learning my new job, adjusting to the new schedule, maneuvering our one car between my husband's and my differing work schedules, all the usual things that fill up every day, AND getting some kind of bug this week, I haven't had much time for anything else. I spent most of the week either taking medicine or sleeping, so thankfully I'm starting to feel more like myself.

I also haven't had much to blog about. I haven't touched my camera in weeks. We've had plans to go hiking for a while now but things keep getting in the way, and this weekend we're going to take it easy just to make sure I stay on the track to healthy. We haven't been exploring for pretty much the same reasons. I haven't cooked more than chicken nuggets or hot dogs in the past week.

I did re-arrange some furniture and hang some more things on the walls recently. I'm pretty sure I snapped some pictures? Maybe. I moved a folding table into the bedroom and designated it my "mini-office". I never used the table in the living room, but still needed some place to keep things organized. It's actually really cozy and comfortable and fits just right in the bedroom, and I have some extra organization space in the bookshelf that holds our TV. Then because I'm Teri and was avoiding housework, I hung some pictures and shelves above the new desk so I had something pretty to look at. It makes the bedroom look much more "done", since it's always been kind of sparse without any dressers. If I do have pictures, or take some, I'll post some updated bedroom pictures soon.

I also got a new watch today! I found a pretty white athletic watch at the BX and couldn't put it down. I have tiny wrists and I never got my silver watch re-sized, even though I've owned it for 2-3 years. It dangles and slides and the face is always facing down instead of up and it was driving me nuts. So the pretty white watch with the buckle clasp that I could tighten to actually fit my wrist was calling my name. If I ever get consistent with working out, I might actually use all of its features.

As you can tell, life's pretty quiet these days, and I don't mind one bit. When I do something exciting, and more importantly when I actually remember my camera, I'll update again :)

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