Monday, January 2, 2012

Organizing on a Smaller Scale

My big plans to organize and de-clutter got reduced.

First, my cold didn't quietly go away. It's still alive and kicking with a vengeance.
Second, we splurged on a new dresser and small TV for the bedroom this weekend. Our closet has been a little stuffed and we were both tired of squinting to watch a movie in there.

The new additions to the bedroom did get me moving a little on the organizing. I moved books from our overflowing bookshelves in the office to the less filled bookshelf in the bedroom now that the tube TV left. With the dresser, our closet has room to breathe, so I have plans to move some files and paperwork from the office onto the top shelf of our closet. I'd like some woven baskets like I mentioned in the previous post for the bottom shelves of our nightstands so I can shove some more books/paperwork/misc. into the bedroom. But that's for another day. And organizing the slightly less overflowing office is for another week entirely.

We still have plans to check out some furniture stores next weekend or after for some of the organizing goodies I've got my eyes on. But since we splurged on the bedroom, the organizing will have to wait. Which I'm okay with. It's been kind of nice to be able to go into the bedroom and watch TV comfortably while Jeff games out in the living room. Or to game myself, since we moved the Wii into the bedroom. And since we have a bookshelf right next to the dresser, I was able to keep the dresser top un-cluttered. I'll have to take some pictures once I have enough energy to do the little things like make the bed and vaccuum.

Today I'm working on putting the Christmas stuff away and finding places for all our new goodies. And the usual laundry that a week (or two of three) accumulates. I'm hoping my cold will be kicked by the end of the week so I can dig into some of the things I've been wanting to -- organizing, picture taking with my wonderful new Nikon, working out, actually cooking instead of picking up unhealthy foods, etc.

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