Monday, July 4, 2011

Fitness Lately

I've been working at making some changes to my fitness, and I thought actually writing them down to share would be beneficial. I'm hoping to push myself to a healthy lifestyle, so the support of blogland will be helpful :)

Since I started work, my goal was to tackle a regular schedule of working out. I took my time at it, since the first couple weeks of working with kids was exhausting. Not to mention adjusting to the early mornings, when I'm anything but a morning person. But now I'm feeling more adjusted and comfortable, although the days are rough since the kids are out of school and full of energy

Because I work early, I've been trying to fit my workouts in after work. Which is proving challenging, because I'm tired and just want to get home and put my feet up. But to work out in the morning, I'd have to wake up at 0430 or some ridiculous hour like it, which is too tough to stomach. I'm still working on the schedule, but I'm getting to the gym at least a couple times a week.

I've been slowly working my way through the Couch to 5k Running Program. I have long-standing foot injuries and problems, so running is problematic and I've tried and failed to start running a handful of times already. I'm taking this try slow, and trying to focus more on my feet and my strength than the weekly schedule and deadlines. I'm hoping to start Week 3 on Wednesday, even though I've been at it for 4 weeks. My feet were more sore than normal last week, so I took a break from running in favor of the bike and a couple days of rest. (Probably more than I needed, but it was nice!)

I've been getting up to about 1.3 miles each run, which is pretty amazing for me. I've never been a runner, so even just 1 mile is a looong way for me to jog. It's a little disheartening to do my measly mile next to all these military members who run miles daily, but I'm trying to focus on my own body and not compare.

I've also entered the world of lifting at the gym! I have some DVD's for weight training at home and using my own body for resistance, but I've always been intimidated by all the machines and weights at the gym. I went to the gym with some friends from work a handful of times, and they helped push me to try some new machines and learn how to use them correctly. It worked perfectly, because now that I'm going on my own I actually know how to use the machines and can get over my anxiety about looking like an idiot and just lift the weights.

I prefer it to cardio, hands down. I'm feeling a little discouraged by how weak my muscles are, but I'm hoping to see some progress soon. Even if I'm not lifting bulky weights, I have to admit it makes me feel pretty strong to be doing pull-ups, even if they are assisted. Luckily my legs are much, much stronger than my arms and back (I did Irish dance for 10 years), so putting some weights in the triple digits is a mood boost when I'm feeling wimpy.

I'm planning to get back to some of my workout DVD's, because the gym can be monotonous. It's also crowded and sticky after work, when everyone is trying to get their sweat on. It's harder to come into my own comfortable home and get sweaty instead of comfy, but I'm going to work on it.

My goal is to get into a routine of working out 4-5x a week. I'm not there yet, but I'm hoping to be.

I'm finding food much more challenging, since all my energy is currently being spent on playing with cute kids and then working my a$s off in the gym. Cooking is less than appealing at the end of the day, especially when it's been hot and humid and sticky. I'm hoping to work on that more soon to, since our quick fixes and picking up food are anything but healthy. I feel so much better when I take the time to cook a healthy meal, I just can't find the motivation to get there right now. Something to work on. Luckily my handsome husband has been grilling out all weekend long so I've gotten a free pass out of the kitchen!

So that's my fitness update. Not much, but a little progress. I've got a long way to go to get where I want to be, but that won't happen overnight. A little is better than nothing, right?

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