Friday, July 1, 2011

MilSpouse Friday Fill-In

1. Have you (spouse) ever considered joining the military and what do you think of dual military couples?

I'm not fit for the military. I couldn't do boot camp at the moment, but I could always train my butt off to get through that. But I know I couldn't handle the stress of deployments and war and all the other bigger than me things the military has to handle. It's just not in the cards for me. I have a lot of respect for couples that make it work though, because a dual military marriage has such unique challenges.

2. What is your idea of a perfect Sunday afternoon?

Relaxing. I like to have easy Sundays before another long week starts, so we love to spend it eating comfort food, watching some new movies or TV shows, and just lazing around the house.

3. What do you usually do for the 4th of July holiday?

I don't really have a usual. If I can, I'll take some fireworks and some grilled food. I honestly can't remember what I even did last year. This year, both are on the menu!

4. If they could make an Olympic event JUST for you that you know you’d medal in, what would it be?

Uh, procrastinating? Paying attention to all the little details? Catching grammar mistakes?

5. What have you been doing to get yourself bathing suit ready for the summer?

Psh, absolutely nothing. I've been working out on a more regular basis, but I'm not really focusing on swimsuit season. I don't tan, so I don't really care. I think I may have to attempt to even out my color though. I'm getting really funky tan lines from my polo at work. I've got the farmers tan going on, then a weird v-line at my neck. And the whitest skin everywhere else. Woo.

Happy Friday!

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