Sunday, February 12, 2012

Let it Snow

Long time, no talk. 

Not a lot has been happening over here. Lots of working. And lots of snow. It snows basically every single day. Normally it's just a dusting or doesn't even stick. Some days - it does.

One weekend, we had 27" of snow. It snowed from sundown Friday to sunup Monday.

We had to run out in the middle of the snow to pick up our car from a friend. You can sort of see the flakes are huge. All the pictures are with Jeff's small point and shoot because I could picture myself taking my gorgeous new camera out and dropping her in the snow.

My sweet husband has gotten even sweeter this winter and wipes my car off every morning before I go to work. When it looks like this, I'm pretty grateful!

A week or so later, 19" of snow fell overnight. There were high winds all night long, making our windows rattle and the howls and screams of the wind kept us up all night. Our windows were all covered in snow, even though we're on the 8th floor. It was nasty. We woke up to a snow day! Well, for everybody else. Schools were closed. Base was running on mission essential personnel only. Jeff got the day off. I worked extra hours. Because even mission essential personnel have children, our center was open for business.

Jeff went outside nearly thirty minutes before me. Once I grabbed something to eat I joined him to help dig out our cars. My black car is on the left, his red car is across the aisle. You can imagine how they looked before he dug them out...

Our parking lot was a mess. Cars were stranded half in and half out of their parking spots. Some very intelligent people thought they could just gun their engines and make it over all the snow and out of their spots. They got stuck, of course. Jeff dug trenches for our wheels and it still took the two of us to get his car out of its spot, after much maneuvering and shoveling. There was a line of cars stranded in the entrance to our parking lot, blocking it completely. Some of them actually looked like they got stuck, some looked like they just decided to park in the way. Luckily we had another exit. It was crazy!

The plows must have been out all night, because the roads weren't bad at all. The snow was up to my hips in the parking lot and I could see the roads while driving. Jeff drove me to work because we didn't know how the roads would be. He really didn't need to, but it made me feel slightly better about working a long day while he got the day off!

With all this snow, we haven't been out exploring too much. The roads off base are nowhere near as nice as the roads on base. They're uneven stretches of ice, which means you feel like you're riding a horse and you're slipping and sliding through intersections. Doable for a run to a local restaurant, not for a trip out of town. We've had plans to go snowboarding for two months, and each month something has come up. Maybe next month :)

I've been reading books like crazy and we've tried a couple different restaurants in Misawa, so I'm starting to make a dent in my Day Zero Project. I'll update about that soon.

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