Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Operation Get in Shape for Fuji --- Progress?

I've been saying since we moved here that I needed to get into shape. We had planned to climb Mt. Fuji before we even moved here, and I would die if I tried it right now. Only sort of kidding. I'm wheezing like an old man just climbing our 8 flights of stairs.

It's um... 13 months after we moved here and less than 6 until we do the big climb. I've gained 10lbs and gotten into even worse shape. Awesome, right?

I've been on my Operation for four weeks now.

The first week I tried to start Body Rock TV's 30 Day Challenge . I thought it could be a good before work activity. But I kept getting dizzy when I was doing that high intensity before I was fully awake or nourished. It was nice not to have weights or machines, but I needed variety from all the heavy impact jumping on my severely screwed up balls of my feet.


The second and third weeks I hit the gym. I did some intervals on the treadmill and switched between a fast jog/run and walking, until I was sweating like I was going to die. Then I'd do weights. The first week, I did pretty well. But the second week, I didn't do as well. My timing wasn't good for me. I'd go after work because it was most convenient for me, but it's most convenient for a lot of people. I don't like crowds. I'd get itchy trying to lift weights next to some beefy guy, and I couldn't stand when all the treadmills were full or the weight machines I wanted were in use. No patience. My feet were also screaming at my jump right into running method. Maybe not my smartest decision...

NOT what my gym looks like! I wish...

This week, I'm working slightly later. It's enough that by the time I'd go to the gym and get a good workout in, then come home and cook dinner, eat, and clean it up - it'd be bedtime. I need at least a half an hour somewhere in there to chill. So I decided to try my home DVD's again. I have them, most of them I've had since we first got out to Lemoore. I know they're all good if I do them consistency, but consistency is my weakness.

I was super proud of myself when I did a workout Monday night. I had Monday off and indulged in pizza and a movie with some friends. I remembered to workout. It was painful working out on greasy food like that. I don't really want to see pizza for a while now... which isn't so bad really.

Monday I did my old favorite, Jillian Michaels. Despite feeling like I was going to have death by pizza and cardio, it felt good to get through it. Today I did Julianne and danced like an idiot. I have no rhythm.

I'm hoping to make it through three more workouts this week, in whatever order seems best each night.

I'm hoping if I keep blogging about it publicly, it'll kick my ass in gear to get moving!

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