Monday, December 12, 2011


First, I have no explanation for my all-over-the-placeness with blogging. Back and forth, back and forth again. I'm sure there's a legitimate reason somewhere, but I don't have it at the moment. Bear with me please.

Ever since I started working at 6:30/7am, breakfast has been a quick and hurried shove food in my mouth as fast as possible while I run out the door type of event. Even when I didn't work and stayed home all day, I'd grab something quick and small for breakfast. Cereal, granola bar, what have you. Of course, I get hungy again in an hour. Not the best idea.

Since I've been making baby steps in eating better, I decided this week was the week to work on my morning habits. I'll never be the girl who can get up an extra 30 minutes early to scramble an egg or fix something filling, no matter how hard I try or what time I work. Morning's just aren't my friend.

But this was easy! Using this blog post as inspiration, I went and cooked a dozen eggs this weekend. I stumbled on the post on Pinterest and had pinned it a while back, thinking about how good McDonald's breakfast can be sometimes.

Basically, you bake the eggs in a muffin tin until fully cooked. Assemble the sandwiches and freeze. Easy.

For my first try, it wasn't too bad. The eggs were a little overdone, but mainly because I got distracted and didn't watch them closely enough while they were baking. Still good enough. I assembled with cheese slices because it's even less work, froze uncovered for maybe 30 minutes (it was getting to be my bedtime and I was impatient!) and then wrapped in tin foil and froze again.

This morning, I popped three in the oven at 5:35am and set the timer for 25 minutes while I went to finish blow drying my hair and getting ready for work. They came out just in time for me to wolf one down and chug as much coffee as I could without burning my tongue. I can manage popping something in the oven and walking away, I just can't carve out an extra couple of minutes of standing in the kitchen. I left them in a few minutes too long, so the english muffins were a little too crispy. But still good. Jeff and I both enjoyed them, and I stayed full much longer than normal.

I'm planning to make them again for breakfast tomorrow, with a few minutes less in the oven.

Now I just need to figure out a handful of other ways to get a good breakfast with no time in the morning. I'll get sick of these if I eat them every day, but right now they taste lovely and extra special replacing my normal toast or granola bar.

The recipe is pretty self-explanatory. The only new thing I discovered was the muffin tin. In the past, I've made a quick fried egg and assembled a sandwich. This was easier, and I was left with a dozen eggs rather than just one.

Here's another link in case you've missed it:

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