Thursday, December 15, 2011


It's not Thanksgiving time anymore, so people don't really share what they're thankful for right now. They impatiently wait to unwrap presents, bitch about the snow and cold, complain about the lack or Christmas spirit, or focus way too much on the Christmas spirit. Family should be the focus of the holidays, but it's so often bypassed by the little things.

The little things were overpowering me this week.

Today, I spent the afternoon laughing and playing with some of my favorites at work, then came home. You know what I found? This guy, helping to make my day a little better.

We're still working out a routine for housework - I bumped up another 10 hours or so of work a week recently. Since I used to spend that extra time on housework, you can guess where the slack fell the past few weeks.

Well, my handsome husband was doing dishes and laundry while he patiently waited for me to get off work and bring dinner home.

I can't stop smiling about it. We disagree on a lot of things and sometimes getting him to clean the way I want him to (yes, I know I'm picky and obsessive about it) is like pulling teeth. And then he goes and gets all sweet on me.

Because that's just what he does. He takes me as an emotional and opinionated person and does whatever he can to fix whatever's wrong and make me smile. Whether it be a lively debate about some little detail or tucking me into bed with migraine medicine when I'm sick, he's special.

And I wanted to brag about it for a minute. Because I'm so thankful to have him in my life. And because if I interrupt our James Bond movie marathon one more time, he's going to start ranting about how I never let him watch movies without talking over them. But I'll probably interrupt anyways.

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