Thursday, December 22, 2011


Want to know about a dilemma I go through at least 3x a year?

My hair.

Short or long? Long or short? What to do, what to do?

I love my hair long. Well, I love how it looks in pictures. When I took the hour to blow dry and straighten, it was gorgeous.

When my curls cooperated, it was gorgeous.

The other days are just not photographed, I guess. Obviously my hair was a mess or up in a bun on those days, which defeats the point of long hair if it's always pulled up.

Short is amazing too. So easy to style, so light on my head. Of course, humidity makes straight styles impossible, and when layers are too short, like the back of my head, curls don't really happen. And bad hair days? There's no hair to pull into a bun and forget about, I have to style, style, style.

Right now my hair is just short of this.

Minus the chunky bangs. And with a whole bunch of layers added in. I'm trying to decide whether to trim it back up to shorty short, or try to grow it out.

Another section of my dilemma is bangs. Normally, I don't agonize over bangs too much. Then I got them butchered in San Diego last Christmas.

Now I'm terrified of getting a bad haircut again.

I realize this is a relatively undramatic dilemma, but it's a ridiculous one I;ve way too many times in my life. If you're a girlfriend, I've probably asked your opinion once or a hundred times. And I'm probably going to ask again tomorrow. Grow it out or chop it off? I can never decide.

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