Friday, April 29, 2011

"This Ain't Your Gramma's Embroidery"

I've grown up in a crafty family. My grandma taught me how to crochet, and she left us bags and bags of yarn and half-completed projects to finish for her. My mom also crocheted, sewed, embroidered, and everything else you could think to do with yarn or thread. If I ever go through with my plan to buy a sewing machine and attempt to take up sewing again, she'll be on speed dial for questions like "how the hell do you use this pattern?!".

Anyways. I've got some free time on my hands and I wanted something to do with it. I've been dabbling in crochet a little, but it's not my favorite craft. I'm intrigued by sewing, but the cost of starting that up is discouraging. So I'm going to try the next best thing.

I just ordered the Ultimate Embroidery Kit from Sublime Stiching!

I'm decent at hand-sewing (I've been known to sew a patch onto Jeff's uniforms when he forgets to take them in), so I think I'll pick up embroidery quickly and enjoy doing it.

I wanted something fun to start with, so I picked this Pirates pattern and a small banner. There are so many patterns available. And I have a strong feeling I'll get hooked and start making my own designs at some point. But just look at the fun patterns they offer!

Sushi! I think I may need to do something with this since we're living in sushi central...

"Krazy Kitchen"

"Tattoo Alphabet"

Cute, right? (All the supplies and tools necessary are also available, it's a one stop shop!)

I'll let you know how my embroidery experience goes once the package gets here, just wanted to share!

Catch phrase in the post title, and all images, were taken from Sublime Stitching.


  1. In love with all of them! So, cute!

  2. I can't wait to hear how it goes for you! Love the sushi!



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