Monday, April 4, 2011

Looking Back...

I've been blogging for years. I started on Myspace (gosh, that sounds embarassing), then moved to Livejournal and stayed there for a good chunk of time. I bounced around a bit until I finally settled here with this totally public blog. Seeing as I started back at 17, when I first started dating Jeff, things have changed a little! Every once in a while, I like looking back and remembering. I don't have Myspace anymore and most of my blogs have long been deleted, but I do still have some entries saved at Livejournal solely for the purpose of remembering.

Anyways. I'm sharing a little walk down memory lane, because I can.

I posted this sentence for Christmas 2009, along with a picture of my little family.

I hope 2010 is much better than 2009. I've got big plans and big changes.

I may have had big plans, but life threw bigger plans my way. I never expected to graduate and move out of our house before Thanksgiving, then spend Christmas at home with family before we started the new year in Japan. If 2010 took me by surprise, I have no doubt 2011 will too.

This has always been one of my favorite pictures of Guinness and me. This was in October 2009, and we were "helping" Jeff cook pasta for a work potluck.

Speaking of October, I also wrote this: Sometimes I just can't believe how lucky I am that I found Jeff so early in life.

Aww, lovey. But really. We drive each other crazy and we're always debating about something or other, but he makes me so happy. Even if he doesn't understand how books always trump their movie adaptations and everything tastes better with garlic.

I posted at some point in October 2009 about a conversation Jeff and I had...
"What do you want to do tomorrow?"
"I don't know, I have class all day."
"Well, what do you want to do this weekend?"
"After you finish homework?"
"And after that?"
"More homework."
"There's no way you can have that much homework!"

Oh, I really don't miss that life. I think I'll need to erase things like this from my memory before I go back for my master's.

My early days of grilling and cooking:

You know you have a husband who loves you when you burn the shit out of a steak dinner and he still eats it without complaint, then compliments your cooking after.

I've gotten much better with cooking and grilling, and he still compliments my cooking :)

I was just telling my mom today how Fi used to chase shadows. She chases everything.

And one more, just because she was the cutest kitten. July 2009.

I need to go find something to make for dinner, so I should stop drowning in old memories!

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